I ask for financial supportAd Nr. 72308 (Accept as a gift, freecycle), Germany

Category: Willing to give away, looking to accept money as a gift
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Region: Germany
Author: Сергий / Ukraine
All ads by the author
Publication: 23.03.2023
Status: 23.04.2024
Ad text in English:

Good day who reads!
My name is Sergiy, I am from central Ukraine, I speak two languages, Ukrainian and Russian.
It so happened with health, housing, looking for people who can support financially.
On medications, products support who can please, chronic disease, lonely, no social benefits.
A difficult situation due to the war, prices are rising and there is not enough money for subsistence, who is not hard to help please, whoever can, I will be very grateful for the help.
Thanks a lot!
PayPal ek1617@outlook. com
Monobank card (MasterCard) 5375411407020275

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Сергий
Email: sergiyvlalenta. ru
Phone number: +380996105807
Mobile phone number: +380996105807
Address: Ukraine, Dnipro
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