Table of current exchange rates against the Euro and currency converter, currency exchange rate calculator

The table below shows the exchange rates against the Euro, these current exchange rates are based on the information from the European Central Bank. The currency exchange rate in the table is 1 euro. These exchange rates are used when converting prices from price lists to Euros.

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Table of exchange rates

No. Currency Exchange rate against 1 Euro Date
1. PLN 4.2788 30.09.2024
2. RUB 117.201 01.03.2022
3. USD 1.1196 30.09.2024
4. GBP 0.83543 30.09.2024
5. AUD 1.6166 30.09.2024
6. BGN 1.9558 30.09.2024
7. BRL 6.0504 30.09.2024
8. CAD 1.5133 30.09.2024
9. CHF 0.9439 30.09.2024
10. CNY 7.8511 30.09.2024
11. CZK 25.184 30.09.2024
12. DKK 7.456 30.09.2024
13. HKD 8.6933 30.09.2024
14. HRK 7.5365 30.12.2022
15. HUF 396.88 30.09.2024
16. IDR 16975.9 30.09.2024
17. ILS 4.1491 30.09.2024
18. INR 93.813 30.09.2024
19. ISK 150.7 30.09.2024
20. JPY 159.82 30.09.2024
21. KRW 1469.11 30.09.2024
22. LTL 3.4528 30.12.2014
23. LVL 0.702804 31.12.2013
24. MXN 21.9842 30.09.2024
25. MYR 4.6167 30.09.2024
26. NOK 11.7645 30.09.2024
27. NZD 1.7616 30.09.2024
28. PHP 62.74 30.09.2024
29. RON 4.9753 30.09.2024
30. SEK 11.3 30.09.2024
31. SGD 1.4342 30.09.2024
32. THB 36.107 30.09.2024
33. TRY 38.2693 30.09.2024
34. UAH 13.73 28.02.2014
35. ZAR 19.2258 30.09.2024

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