Website Terms of use, placing ads in the RU-GELD.DE online newspaper

Terms of using the website, placing advertisements and publishing other content in the online newspaper

Table of Contents

1. Scope of the said site Terms of Use

1.1. These Terms shall apply when using the https:// website (hereinafter referred to as „the (web)site” or „our (web)site”) owned by the Internetservice Seljunin (hereinafter referred to as the "Internetservice" or "the owner of the (web)site" or "we/ us"), if YOU (hereinafter referred to as the "user" or "you") participate in the discussion, comment on the information, provide feedback, subscribe to the newsletter, create an account, upload your content, advertisements, price lists, event messages to the site and publish them, create a business card, fill out an application for paid services or use any other features available to registered users of the website.

1.2. By using our site in this way, you are bound to accept and agree to these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy and Disclaimer. In case you disagree with one of the documents listed, you are not allowed to use our site in the manner specified in paragraph 1.1.

1.3. All user conditions that contradict or differ from these Terms of Use may be valid only with our prior written consent.

1.4. We reserve the right to change these Terms at any time. When you visit our site again, the new Terms of the Website Use shall apply.

2. User options provided on the site

Our Website provides users with the following options:

3. User logging and user accounts

3.1. Our site users can be both private individuals and legal entities. A legal entity can be registered only by an authorized representative.

3.2. Only users who are at least 16 years old at the time of registration can be logged.

3.3. Signing up on the website is free of charge.

3.4. When registering, the user is required to indicate accurate and true information about themselves in the appropriate data-entry fields of the registration form. The user also undertakes to update the data in a timely manner so that they are always accurate and truthful.

3.5. Each private or legal person may have only one account (profile page) on the site. Repeated accounts of a private person or company are deleted by the Site Support Service without warning.

3.6. The site provides 3 types of user accounts: Private, Business and Business +.

3.7. The Private account type is the default type of account assigned to the user upon registration on the site. A user with this type of account may place free classified ads that are not related to business and profit-making, as well as job offers and events. The user can place no more than 10 ads. The user may request a change in the type of account to "Business" or "Business +" by placing an appropriate order and paying for it. The decision to change the type of account shall be made by the Internetservice (the owner of the site) who shall inform the user about the decision taken.

3.8. The Business account type allows the user to submit not only free classified ads, but also ads related to entrepreneurial activity and profit-making, price lists and their business card on the website. The user can place no more than 20 ads. The user may request a change in the type of account to "Business +" by placing an appropriate order and paying for it. The decision to change the type of account shall be made by the Internetservice (the owner of the site) who shall inform the user about the decision taken.

3.9. The Business + account type allows the user to place not only free classified ads, but also ads related to business and profit-making, price lists and their business card on the website. The user can place no more than 100 ads.

4. Authorization on the website

4.1. To work with your account on the site, you have to log in (go to the site) with the username and password specified by the user during registration or changed later.

4.2. The user undertakes to keep secret their password to access the site and not to transfer it to third parties. Should the password become available to third parties, the user shall immediately inform us by e-mail or a letter to change it. The user may not provide access to their account to third parties.

4.3. The user understands and agrees that s/he is fully responsible for all actions on the site by third parties whom s/he has granted access to their account.

5. Placement of advertisements and other content publishing

5.1. Free classified ads. Classified ads that are not related to business, entrepreneurial activity, profit-making, can be placed on the site for free, either by registered users or by those without registration.

5.2. Business related ads (hereinafter referred to as "business ads/ business advertisements"). Business advertisements can only be made available and placed by registered users with the "Business" or "Business +" type of account (see §3 Accounts). Business ads can be placed by the user with any type of account; yet, they will be published on the site only after changing the type of account.

5.3. Placing information about the site in a site directory. Legitimate users can register their website in our site directory with a banner and a direct link. To do this, it is required to place one of our links on the website being registered, selecting it on the page "Links". The page with placing our link shall meet the following criteria: no more than 50 external links, the link is not prohibited by nofollow, the page is not prohibited for indexing by search engines, the site does not use the prohibited promotion methods described in the Google Webmaster Guidelines and is not restricted by search engines. If the site is approved by the Support Service, the information about it will be placed in our directory. The availability of a back link to our site is regularly checked by us; if you do not comply with the terms or should you delete our link, the publication of a message about the registered site will be blocked, an email being sent to the user. Once the reasons for terminating the publication have been resolved, it will resume. The information about the site is deleted if the back link has not been posted or the user does not respond to our messages or fails to return the back link within one month.

5.4. Publishing other content You can also publish other content on our website: register your business card (or profile page) in the directory of organizations and private individuals, events message, price lists for the priced catalog placement, reviews. This content is published free of charge. Price lists and prices can only be published if the ad that this price list refers to is published. When placing an ad, if the user does not yet have a business card (profile page), it will be created automatically. The user can delete their profile at any time.

5.5. Reviews, ratings, and comments from site users. Any information entered by the user on the site (including advertisements) may include reviews, ratings/ rankings and comments (hereinafter referred to as „comments”) by other users of the site. By entering an advertisement or placing any other information on the site, the user agrees that both positive and unfavorable comments can be made on their information. The user agrees that they will not make any claims against the Internetservice in connection with the said comments and that the authors shall be solely responsible for their comments.

5.6. Mandatory requirements for advertisements and other content placed on the site:

Further requirements for placing ads are set out in §8 User Responsibilities.

5.7. Prohibited topics or nature of the User-posted content:

6. Newsletter subscription; Opt-in

6.1. Registered users can sign up for a free newsletter on the information about ads placed by all other users in the categories selected. The newsletters shall be sent once a month. The user can terminate the subscription at any time on the site or by clicking on the appropriate link in the email.

6.2. Registered users can sign up for a paid subscription to the instant mailing of ads under the categories selected or by word fragments indicated. In this case, information about ads shall be sent to the user immediately after entering the advertisement and it being approved by the Support Service. The list of categories or word fragments for mailing can be edited at any time. The maximum number of categories for a subscription is 10.

7. Paid services, refusal of paid services

7.1. Registered users can use paid services on our website. These include:

7.2. To use paid services, the user has to submit a request for paid services on a dedicated page of the site.

7.3. Should the advertisement or any other content published violate these Terms of using the website, its publication will be terminated by the Support Service, regardless of whether the ad is paid-for or whether the user has a „Business” or „Business +” account. The money amount paid shall not be refunded to the user.

7.4. Payment for changing the account type to "Business" or "Business+" is made only once and shall be valid for only one account (see §3 Accounts).

7.5. Publishing a paid ad - a paid ad is placed for a period of one year above all free ads in the category selected and when searching for ads on the site. Upon termination of this period of time, the ad becomes a regular free ad. The information with a link to a paid ad is added to the newsfeed of our site. The user can place a logo/ a photo along with an ad in the selected category. The advertisement has to comply with these Terms. In case of these Terms violation and a subsequent termination of publication or removal of the advertisement by the author themselves, the money amount paid shall not be refunded. When placing a paid ad, the user account type is automatically changed from "Private" to "Business".

7.6. All payments shall be made by the user on the basis of acknowledged bills / commercial invoices issued by the Support Service in German or in English. The invoices are available on the website and are also sent by email.

7.7. The payment has to be made by the user within 2 weeks from the date of invoicing.

7.8. We provide the following payment methods - to our bank account in Germany, a payment via PayPal or WebMoney payments systems.

7.9. The details for meeting the invoice shall be available after filling out an application for paid services on our website, as well as in the invoice itself.

7.10. Paid services, as well as the required changes and settings shall be made by the Support Service after receiving the invoice payment within 3 business days. Should, for some reason, completing the request happen to be impossible or should the Support Service decide to refuse to fulfill the user's request, the user will be refunded the money paid within 14 days from the date of receipt on account.

7.11. Opportunities for canceling an agreement, an order for paid services for private individuals. A private user, in case their order for paid services is not related to business activities and profit-making, has the legal right to cancel the contract or order for paid services without giving a reason (within 14 days). In order for the user to exercise this right, s/he has to inform us by mail or e-mail (see About us, contact details) about their final decision to cancel this order. To do this, s/he can use the agreement cancellation form (see paragraph 7.14 below), although this is optional. A message about the decision to cancel the agreement shall be deemed sufficient for cancellation if it was received by us prior to the stated period expiration.

7.12. Consequences of canceling the agreement. After canceling the agreement, we will refund the payment received from the user under the agreement. From the amount that we will have to refund, the fee for the return remittance will be deducted. A refund will be made within 14 days after we receive the user's decision to cancel the agreement, in the same way as the money was received by us. If, in accordance with the agreement/order, the services are already partially rendered within the time limit stipulated by law for canceling the agreement, the user will have to pay for this part of the services rendered or the cost of the said part of the services rendered will be deducted from the amount refunded to the user.

7.13. Notice of early termination of the right to cancel the agreement/order. The user’s right to cancel the agreement / order for the provision of services is terminated prematurely, before the expiration of the period established by law, if the services were rendered by us in full and the performance of the services began after the user expressed their consent to the premature termination of the right to cancel the agreement by its complete performance and confirmed this consent.

7.14. Sample form for canceling an agreement / an order. Should you wish to cancel your agreement / order, fill out the form below and send it to us.

An: Internetservice Seljunin, Nordersdtedt
Bestellung/Auftrag Nr: ________________
Hiermit bestätige(n) ich/wir, dass den von mir/uns abgeschlossenen Vertrag über den Kauf der folgenden Waren / die Erbringung der folgenden Dienstleistung mit gewerblichen Tätigkeit nicht verbindet ist und widerrufe(n) den Vertrag:
Bestellt am (*)/erhalten am (*): ________________
Name des/der Verbraucher(s): ________________
Anschrift des/der Verbraucher(s):
Unterschrift des/der Verbraucher(s) (nur bei Mitteilung auf Papier): ________________
Datum: ________________


Order / Agreement no.: ________________
I/we hereby confirm that the agreement concluded by me/us for the purchase of the following goods / the provision of the following service is not connected with commercial activity and revoke the agreement:
Ordered on (*)/received on (*): ________________
Name of the/consumer(s): ________________
Address of the consumer (s):
Signature of the consumer(s) (only for communication on paper): ________________
Date: ________________

7.15. Late payment under the agreement / for the order. If the payment for a placed/ completed order is overdue, the Internetservice shall be entitled to charge the user a penalty of 0.5% for each day of delay.

7.16. Pricing for paid services. The effective prices for paid services on the site are available in the Price Lists of our website on the following page: Price list

7.17. Refusal to complete the order by the Internetservice. By submitting a request for paid services, the user hereby agrees that the Internetservice may either accept or refuse to fulfill the order. If the user is refused to complete the request, order, or if the performance of services is not possible due to technical or any other reasons, the Internetservice shall refund the user the amount paid by them upon request, the amount shall be refunded within 14 days.

8. User Responsibilities

8.1. The user may use the opportunity provided on the site to post information only in compliance with the purposes intended for this. Any use of forms and services on the site that is not related to the intended purposes is prohibited.

8.2. Any content on the site posted by the user shall always be written in a respectful and polite form. Criticism and expression of opinions have to be constructive so that they can be employed to the advantage by other users and not be annoying or offensive.

8.3. By posting information such as texts, photos, videos, names, brands, etc., the user guarantees that s/he does not violate the rights of third parties, for example: copyright, rights of private individuals, perfect competition.

8.4. The user shall entirely indemnify us against each and every claim of third parties related to legal infringements, for which s/he should be responsible. The user shall assume all relevant financial expenses associated with the legal protection we may require in this case.

8.5. The actions listed below shall be under a stringent prohibition:

8.6. The user shall always provide reliable and accurate information. Such information shall not violate the applicable laws of Germany and the European Union. The same shall apply to prices, offers of goods and services, events, etc.

8.7. Ads united by a common theme shall be grouped as one ad. For example, you may not create many ads that offer similar products or services. Nor may you place the same or similar ads in different sections or for different federated states of Germany.

9. Responsibility for content publishing

9.1. Entrepreneurs or firms placing an offer of goods or services shall place a link to the Imprint/ Impressum in the ad or enter all the information that has to be in the Imprint/ Impressum on the sites (company name, surname and first name, address, contact details). We do not check this information; should it be missing or incorrect, the ad author shall be liable in compliance with the German law (§ 5 des Telemediengesetz/ of the German Telemedia Act).

9.2. The Responsibility for the content of advertisements, other information entered, graphics, videos, profiles, prices, comments, etc. shall be borne by the author/ contributor of the above content. In no case shall we assume liability for the information entered by third parties. By entering information, its author thus confirms the rights to publish this information.

9.3 We have the right, but not the obligation, to check the user content as to the compliance with the law or these Terms of Use. In case of violations or reasonable suspicions of violation, we shall either block or delete the advertisements or any other published content without warning and shall not post it to the site. We may also take all possible measures (both technical and legal) to prevent the user who has placed the ad from using our site and entering information on it, including deleting their account. The contact information, email address, and IP address of the user may be stored by us for a long time for this purpose.

10. Rights to use the content published

By placing an ad on our site, you grant us the rights to use this data, which shall include: posting this data on the site, as well as editing the data (correcting the spelling, punctuation, and the text style), changing the resolution and size of media materials, as well as deleting this information. We may also place the information entered on all the RU-GELD.DE subdomains, in our RSS feeds and news informers, as well as on other sites, to increase the number of views of the said information.

11. Security, Privacy

11.1. Protecting users' personal data is our top priority. Our legally binding Privacy, Security Policy is available on a dedicated page of the website. By using our site, you are bound to accept and agree to our Privacy Policy.

11.2. On our site it is strictly prohibited to collect information, especially the users’ personal data, by automatic means, whatever the purpose might be. The user may employ the personal data entered by other users only for the purpose of contact with regard to the advertisement to which they relate. Such data shall be handled in strict confidence; they shall not be communicated to third parties without theppersonal data subject consent.

11.3. Users shall not communicate their personal data for authorization on the site to third parties. If the user's authorization data happen to be available for third parties, the user needs to change such data on the site and inform us about it (see §4 Authorization on the website).

11.4. In case of doubt about the propriety of the data entered by the user, the Support Service may at any time require the entered data confirmation, for example, the provision of state identification documents. Until the confirmation is provided, the Support Service may block the user and the data entered by him/ her.

11.5. Should the user of the site find that any advertisement, or other content published violates their rights or legislation, or is not reliable, s/he should inform the Support Service about this. To this purpose, s/he can make a relevant comment on the page where the advertisement is placed or contact us using the contact information from the Impressum (About us, contact details).

12. Fraud and phisher protection

12.1. The responsibility for the advertisements and other content published on the site shall be borne by the users who have contributed them. We are under no circumstances an intermediary between the authors of ads and other users and shall bear no responsibility for the ads placed.

12.2. Please note: should any offer appear to be too good to be true, most likely, it should not be trusted. In case we become aware that any ad has been placed by a fraudster or it looks like a typical fraudster offer, we delete such an ad.

12.3. For your safety, when contacting the author of an advertisement, always save the information that follows: the author's contact details, ad number, and emails. Do not send your personal data, especially copies of documents, to strangers.

12.4. In case you become aware that some advertisement has been placed by a fraudster, please let us know about it using the contact details or in the comments on the page containing such an ad. (select a comment for the Support Service).

12.5. In order to protect the website population from fraudsters and scammers, the following measures are provided on our site:

13. Rights and obligations of the Internetservice

13.1. We have the right, but not the obligation, to check the user content as to the compliance with the law or these Terms of Use. In case of violations or reasonable suspicions of violation, we shall either block or delete the information entered without warning and shall not post it to the site.

13.2. We may accept or not accept for publication, as well as to further delete the content entered on the site by the user, without explaining the reasons and notices to the user. This provision shall especially apply to the content published by the user more than 5 years ago, unrelated to Germany, violating the law or the rights of third parties, and being not high-quality regarding the search engine optimization (clause 5.6).

13.3. We may delete or deactivate all information materials contributed by the user if such materials violate the rights of third parties or if third parties inform us of the violation of their rights by the user.

13.4. Any violation of the user's obligations shall be the ground to delete the user account, all their comments, as well as ban their further use of the site, registration, and content posting.

13.5. We may change the ad category selected by the author, as well as make changes to the ad text if it contains bad grammar or errors of style, fails to clearly express the essence of the ad or contains invalid or misleading information.

13.6. Unless otherwise specified on the website, the site Support Service shall check ads daily on business days. With heavy traffic, ads can be checked less frequently.

13.7. Each year, for a maximum of six weeks, working with ads on the site may be limited or not possible at all, due to works on the server, site maintenance, updating information on the site, and for other reasons. We shall inform you about such restriction in advance on the site authorization page. This information shall also be reported in the site main newsfeed. If absolutely necessary, you can contact the site Support Service, however, you should expect that the response to your query may be delayed.

13.8. Ads and other content published by registered users that run contrary to these Terms shall be rejected by the Support Service, as is reported to the contributing users. Should the user fail to eliminate the reasons for such disapproval, the ad will be deleted automatically 1 month after it was rejected.

14. Final Provisions

14.1. When using our website, with regard to contractual obligations, as well as to legal proceedings, the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall exclusively apply.

14.2. Should the user have no general place of jurisdiction in the Federal Republic of Germany or should the user be an entrepreneur, a legal entity subject to public law or a special foundation of public law, the place of jurisdiction shall be the judicial authority at our location.

14.3. When using the site, the current Terms shall always apply, rather than the Terms accepted at the moment of registration, placing an advertisement or publishing any other content.

