Catalogue of prices and price lists for goods and services in Germany

- Information on the page:
- Information about the category
- Commodity prices
- Service prices
- Recent posts
Prices in Germany - this section of the online newspaper contains price information from price lists placed by entrepreneurs and companies from Germany and other countries. In this section you can find lists of wholesale and retail prices for goods and services, compare different offers and calculate the cost of goods and services that you require.
This section will appeal to everyone who is interested in the price level not only in Europe, but abroad as well.
Select the desired sub-category to view
Commodity prices:
- Overview of prices for auto parts, tires ( 27 )
- Overview of car prices ( 20 )
- Overview of prices for disks, books ( 44 )
- Overview of prices for animals and plants ( 115 )
- Overview of prices for paintings, jewelry ( 85 )
- Overview of prices for cosmetics and perfumery products ( 37 )
- Overview of prices for medicines, pharmaceutical drugs ( 90 )
- Overview of furniture prices ( 82 )
- Overview of prices for musical instruments ( 10 )
- Overview of real estate prices ( 90 )
- Overview of prices for equipment, tools ( 103 )
- Overview of prices for clothing and accessories ( 87 )
- Overview of prices for food and beverages ( 96 )
- Overview of prices for miscellaneous products ( 83 )
- Overview of prices for sports goods ( 6 )
- Overview of prices for construction materials ( 91 )
- Overview of prices for raw materials and supplies ( 91 )
- Overview of prices for electronics, home appliances ( 48 )
Service prices:
- Overview of real estate rental prices ( 75 )
- Overview of prices for the hire, rental ( 2 )
- Overview of prices for business services ( 89 )
- Overview of prices for domestic services ( 26 )
- Overview of prices for medical services ( 73 )
- Overview of prices for holidays, travel ( 77 )
- Overview of prices for miscellaneous services ( 58 )
- Overview of prices for construction services ( 38 )
- Overview of prices for transport services, transfers ( 42 )
- Overview of prices for the services of a DJ, master of ceremonies ( 1 )
- Overview of prices for musicians ' services ( 3 )
- Overview of prices for the hairdresser/ barber and cosmetologist services ( 89 )
- Overview of prices for translators services ( 72 )
- Overview of prices for tutoring services ( 85 )
- Overview of prices for the services of photographers and cameramen ( 40 )
- Overview of of prices for financial services ( 2 )
- Overview of prices for legal services, counseling ( 74 )