Overview and comparison of prices for medical services, treatment and diagnostics in Germany, Europe / Information about prices / price lists

No. Name of the item Number of offers Unit of meas. Min. price Max. price
1. Gastroscopy
prices for gastroscopy, gastric and intestinal surgery services
6 Piece 1.02 EUR 2.29 EUR
2. Gestalt therapy 1 h 30.00 EUR 30.00 EUR
3. Joint replacement
joint replacement prices
2 Piece 2'559.71 EUR 2'986.32 EUR
4. Infertility treatment
infertility treatment for women and men
1 Piece 1'000.00 EUR 1'000.00 EUR
5. Massage
prices for massage services
20 Serv. 10.00 EUR 40.00 EUR
Massage 20 65.00 EUR 65.00 EUR
Massage 20 h 3.00 EUR 300.00 EUR
Massage 20 Piece 30.00 EUR 50.00 EUR
6. Medical consultations
prices for medical consultations with a doctor and remotely via the Internet
10 Serv. 9.39 EUR 50.00 EUR
Medical consultations 10 h 30.00 EUR 50.00 EUR
Medical consultations 10 Piece 40.00 EUR 47.06 EUR
7. Improvement of the body 2 Serv. 150.00 EUR 150.00 EUR
Improvement of the body 2 week 665.00 EUR 665.00 EUR
8. Rejuvenation
rejuvenation prices
1 Piece 17.06 EUR 17.06 EUR
9. Colon cleansing 1 h 300.00 EUR 300.00 EUR
10. Psychological help
prices for psychological assistance, psychotherapy sessions
18 Serv. 9.39 EUR 1'000.00 EUR
Psychological help 18 25.00 EUR 25.00 EUR
Psychological help 18 h 15.00 EUR 50.00 EUR
Psychological help 18 Piece 25.00 EUR 40.00 EUR
Psychological help 18 Unit 50.00 EUR 60.00 EUR
11. Rehabilitation
prices for rehabilitation services after illness, treatment
1 Serv. 1'000.00 EUR 1'000.00 EUR
12. Speech therapist services
prices for classes with a speech therapist for children and adults
9 Serv. 10.00 EUR 28.86 EUR
Speech therapist services 9 Unit 25.00 EUR 25.00 EUR
13. Surgery
prices for surgical treatment, services of surgeons
1 Serv. 1'500.00 EUR 1'500.00 EUR

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(Total in English: 13)

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