Overview and comparison of prices for miscellaneous products in Europe and abroad in Germany / Information about prices / price lists

No. Name of the item Number of offers Unit of meas. Min. price Max. price
1. Army uniform
prices for army tents, clothing, equipment
17 Piece 3.43 EUR 1'683.50 EUR
Army uniform 17 Unit 625.30 EUR 2'164.50 EUR
2. Attraction 3 Piece 2'886.00 EUR 28'860.03 EUR
3. Concert tickets 11 Piece 30.00 EUR 245.00 EUR
Concert tickets 11 Unit 99.00 EUR 99.00 EUR
4. Busts
busts of famous people
1 Piece 30.00 EUR 30.00 EUR
5. Web sites
prices for websites, online stores
1 Piece 2'300.00 EUR 2'300.00 EUR
6. Bath broom
birch, linden, oak bath brooms
8 Piece 1.50 EUR 2.00 EUR
7. Military antiques
antique guns, sabers, swords
1 Piece 4'000.00 EUR 4'000.00 EUR
8. Granite monument
prices for the manufacture of granite monuments
2 Piece 365.56 EUR 617.00 EUR
9. Magazines 1 Piece 6.00 EUR 6.00 EUR
10. Marble products 6 Piece 80.00 EUR 358.00 EUR
11. Stone products 1 Piece 2.00 EUR 2.00 EUR
12. Shovels
shovels, pitchforks and other equipment for working with the ground and in the garden
1 Piece 24.05 EUR 24.05 EUR
13. Egg trays
wholesale and retail trays
1 Piece 0.05 EUR 0.05 EUR
14. Magnets
souvenir magnets from Germany and Europe
1 Piece 1.00 EUR 1.00 EUR
15. Stamps for parcels
prices for German postal stamps DHL for parcels and letters
1 Set 140.00 EUR 140.00 EUR
16. Bags 1 Piece 4.18 EUR 4.18 EUR
17. Sponge
washcloth prices
3 Piece 0.80 EUR 4.00 EUR
18. Medal
prices for orders and medals
3 Piece 150.00 EUR 200.00 EUR
19. Hunting medallion 1 Piece 853.24 EUR 853.24 EUR
20. Vintage banknotes
banknote prices
1 Piece 140.00 EUR 140.00 EUR
21. Antique, antiques 2 Piece 250.00 EUR 4'000.00 EUR
22. Plaster figurines 5 Piece 20.00 EUR 30.00 EUR
23. Souvenirs
various souvenirs
2 Piece 1.00 EUR 10.00 EUR
24. Tandoor 2 Product 260.00 EUR 260.00 EUR
Tandoor 2 Piece 290.00 EUR 290.00 EUR
25. Water filter 1 Piece 450.00 EUR 450.00 EUR
26. Chess 1 Piece 1'000.00 EUR 1'000.00 EUR
27. Mop
mop prices
1 Piece 50.00 EUR 50.00 EUR
28. Yurts
Asian, northern yurts
1 Piece 9'500.00 EUR 9'500.00 EUR

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(Total in English: 28)

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