We are looking for a dealer/distributor in in Poland, Germany and other European countries. Our company is a manufacturer of high quality PET and cardboard confectionery packaging.Ad Nr. 72744 (Business, entrepreneurship in Germany), Germany

Category: Offers for business cooperation in Germany
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: Tatiana / Ukraine
All ads by the author
Publication: 08.07.2023
Status: 24.03.2025
Ad text in English:

We are looking for a dealer/distributor in in Poland, Germany and other European countries. Our company is a manufacturer of high quality PET and cardboard confectionery packaging. The packaging is intended for food products, there is a certificate of the SSEE of the Ukrainian sample.
Our boxes and substrates have proven themselves in the Ukrainian market and are in demand and popular among both confectionery and pastry shops.
Production is located in Ukraine.
We will consider all options for cooperation, including full or partial prepayment, deferred payment.
For cooperation, write to e- mail: ello. cakebox@gmail. com, korobkatort@gmail. com
WhatsApp, Viber: +380662171242 (Таtiana) .

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Tatiana
Email: ello.cakeboxgmail. com
Phone number: +380662171242
Mobile phone number:

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