Business proposal. Highly profitable business - manufacturing of products made of acrylic Ad Nr. 66108 (Business, entrepreneurship in Germany), Germany

Category: Looking for a partner for a joint business
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: adminvadik / Ukraine
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 30.03.2025
Ad text in English:

Business proposal. Highly profitable business - manufacturing of products made of acrylic artificial stone. Technology training courses from the manufacturer.
I will teach the technology of artificial stone manufacturing from acrylic resins on your territory or in my workshop on the basis of certain products. The training includes: mold production from fiberglass, products production using these molds (table tops, window sills, kitchen sinks made of artificial stone insert inside the countertop, production of wash basins and bath tubs made of acrylic and other artificial stones and glass) , the disclosure of all manufacturing secrets. I have got a current working production line in Ukraine. My experience in this industry is five years. I will help you to find suppliers of raw materials in your country. I also have a manufacturing technology of molds production for vacuum molding and the process itself, manufacturing of different products made from silicone and polyurethane. Upon learning my methods, you can immediately start your own highly profitable business! Tuition fees from 700 dollars to 3000 dollars.
E- mail: vadiklis78@mail. ru, +380953712127 Vadim
http://stonebiznes. com
http://stonefox. org. ua

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Stonefox
Email: vadiklis78mail. ru
Phone number: +380953712127
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