Recently opended Restaurant for Sale. Koh Phangan Thailand The restaurant is located on a Ad Nr. 66690 (Business, entrepreneurship in Germany), Germany

Category: Buying and selling business abroad
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: ElenaRojo
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 25.03.2025
Ad text in English:

Recently opended Restaurant for Sale.
Koh Phangan Thailand

The restaurant is located on a road with good traffic and is well fed by two busy yoga schools, resorts and houses in the neighbourhood. 'The Home of Healing' situated behind the resturant promotes a relaxed and calming atmosphere as well as added business. The restaurant is eco- designed in an open and freindly way.

The price of 860, 000 Baht includes;
- The purchase of the resturant
- Food & beverage liscence
- Occasional use of the car
- All kitchem equipment
- All resturant furniture
- Vegitarian menue (willing to share recipes & cooking techniques)
- 3 year lease of land (extension of the lease of land after 3 years is also welcomed)
- Possible to extend the business of the restaurant to selling clothes, jewlery, etc. . . .
- We will kindly assist the new owners with Thai logistical matters such as registration, taxes, business visa and any other questions. :)

If you are interested please let me know
Tel: +66878950136, +66894548025
Skype: elene. . . rojo

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Elena, Elrna's cafe
Phone number: +66894548025, +66878950136
Mobile phone number:
Address: Тайланд, Ко-панган

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