Direct delivery, wagon norms. The goods are certified in the Republic of Moldova. This year we Ad Nr. 65151 (Business, entrepreneurship in Germany), Germany

Category: Sales of food products wholesale in Germany
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: Didenko Alexa
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 01.03.2025
Ad text in English:

Direct delivery, wagon norms. The goods are certified in the Republic of Moldova. This year we are ready to deliver new season grain of 2010.

- wheat class 4 and 5 up to 6000 tons

- barley up to 5000 tons

- sunflower up to 2000 tons

- rape up to 2000 tons

- peas up to 1000 tons

- linen up to 5000 tons

Goods placement: Bendery, the Republic of Moldova, Transnistria, Bread- Backing complex ( railway delivery in wagons) .
Country of origin: the Republic of Moldova. We ship our raw- materials through the harbors of Jurjuleshty in Moldova and Reni in Ukraine.

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Intercentre lux Ltd.
Email: ded_777list. ru
Phone number: 37353377773
Mobile phone number: 37377745825
Fax: 37353377773
Website: view
Address: 4 Kotovsky st. Tiraspol Moldova 3300
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