Selling Antiques. family. franz joseph, his wife elisabeth, and daughter valeria at a young age.Ad Nr. 70272 (Buy / Sell), Germany

Category: Buy, sell antiques, antiquities
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: Анна / Ukraine
All ads by the author
Publication: 10.02.2022
Status: 02.03.2025
family. franz joseph, his wife elisabeth, and daughter valerfamily. franz joseph, his wife elisabeth, and daughter valerfamily. franz joseph, his wife elisabeth, and daughter valer
family. franz joseph, his wife elisabeth, and daughter valer

(family. franz joseph, his wife elisabeth, and daughter valer)

Ad text in English:

Caesar family at a young age. Found this in the attic. It was folded in four behind the rafters. The photos are sewn on 3- layer paper. Where there is no photo, my father could be in this place. If necessary, he could take out the photo. For such times were . . .

Additional information:
  • Title: Family. franz joseph, his wife elisabeth, and daughter valeria at a young age.
  • Price: 700,00 USD
  • Quantity: 1
  • Condition: used
  • Availability: stock available
Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: ANNA
Email: loves7898gmail. com
Phone number: +380987277789
Mobile phone number: +380987277789
Address: Ternopol
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Photos for the ad:

family. franz joseph, his wife elisabeth, and daughter valer

(family. franz joseph, his wife elisabeth, and daughter valer)

family. franz joseph, his wife elisabeth, and daughter valer

(family. franz joseph, his wife elisabeth, and daughter valer)

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