Sundirect offers a wide range of powerful infrared heaters that can be used in a vast array of applications such as restaurants and hotel terraces, patios, large garages, factories etcAd Nr. 72447 (Buy / Sell), Germany

Category: Buy, sell electric stoves, washing machines, vacuum cleaners in Germany
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Region: Germany
Author: sundirect / Austria
All ads by the author
Publication: 21.04.2023
Status: 07.03.2025
Ad text in English:

Sundirect offers a wide range of powerful infrared heaters that can be used in a vast array of applications such as restaurants and hotel terraces, patios, large garages, factories etc

WiFi Hybrid Infrared Heater - Hybrid- Pro series is a hybrid design infrared panel heater, it has a combination of infrared heating and convection heating, which ensures a quick heating up time as well as bigger wattage density. Our innovative Convection boost design inside of the panel makes Sundirect infrared have around 35% higher convection rate compared to the normal hybrid infrared heaters in the market. Since it can be heated up quickly so its also an ideal solution for applications that require quick heating.

They offer a 5- year warranty on the heating system and a 2- year warranty on the control.

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Sundirect Heater
Email: sundirectheater31gmail. com
Phone number: +43 664 5433309
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Address: Zimmeterweg 4, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
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