The cattery offers cat highland fold is a very rare color cream . The kitten is accustomed to Ad Nr. 67456 (Buy / Sell), Germany

Category: Buy, sell male and female cats
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: Julana / Germany
All ads by the author
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 27.03.2025
Ad text in English:

The cattery offers cat highland fold is a very rare color cream . The kitten is accustomed to everything , from parents Champions. We bring you an exclusive , fabulously beautiful boy kitten breed highland fold(Scottish fold longhair) boy the one and only , single copy, highland chic cat with fluffy- soft coat, a chic collar and a tail of a squirrel, wool differs from the Persians, highland she does not fall down and do not shed, which is very convenient in everyday life, the boy is insanely beautiful and delicate Peach color, with round, doll face, thick coat, perfect fold ears, strong bones, very large , similar to a Teddy bear.

The baby is very sweet, sociable , unusual purring, moderately playful , will be a great friend for children and adults! Grows with the child.

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Pitomnik Home Panter
Email: Ulaskayandex. ru
Phone number: +79038540894
Mobile phone number: +79038540894
Website: view

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