We are looking for a loving home for each of our European Burmese kittens. We have 2 chocolate colored males, 3 chocolate colored females and 1 sable colored female.Ad Nr. 71547 (Buy / Sell), Germany

Category: Buy, sell male and female cats
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: Marco Marini / Italy
All ads by the author
Publication: 09.09.2022
Status: 24.03.2025
Ad text in English:

We are looking for a loving home for each of our European Burmese kittens.
We have 2 chocolate colored males, 3 chocolate colored females and 1 sable colored female.
Born on 06/15/2022. The parents are purebred cats with excellent pedigrees, chocolate- colored mother, sable- colored father.
By the time they move to a new family, kittens will be vaccinated by age, accustomed to the tray and the scratching post.
Kittens are fully socialized, growing up in loving, loving hands.
European Burmese cats are distinguished by their aristocratic appearance, good health, high intelligence and playful, friendly character. They have a soft, silky coat and an indescribable charm.
Write to us, we will answer all your questions.

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Marco
Email: burmese.chaton2022gmail. com
Phone number:
Mobile phone number: 39 3472402054

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