We have males and female Sphynx Kittens for saleAd Nr. 74976 (Buy / Sell), Germany

Category: Buy, sell male and female cats
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: 15510830069 / Germany
All ads by the author
Publication: 05.01.2025
Status: 24.03.2025
Ad text in English:

We have lovely home trained, smart and playful hairless sphynx kittens for sale. Males and females sphynx kittens available for sale now. They have been vet checked, vaccinated with shots , all in good health and come with papers, Cute home trained with children and other domestic pets, already family with house noise and surroundings. Will make a good home companion. You can visit my website and email us to know which you are interested in , for more info. https://smarthomesphynxkittens. com/

Additional information:
  • Title: Entzückende Sphynx-Kätzchen zu verkaufen
  • Price: 650,00 EUR
  • Quantity: 6
  • Condition: new
  • Availability: stock available
Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Smart Home Sphynx Kittens
Email: smarthomesphynxkittensgmail. com
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