Razor Wire - concertina, flatwrap, wire mesh, accessoryAd Nr. 71356 (Buy / Sell), Germany

Category: Buy, sell construction materials in Germany
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Region: Germany
Author: Aleksandra Zabrowarna - Tarasewicz / Poland
Publication: 04.08.2022
Status: 24.03.2025
Ad text in English:

Our company is distributor of polish producer of razor wire. In our offer
we have all the products made of razor wire, accessories and tools.
Choosing us is guarantee of quality, effectiveness and satisfaction.

Our products:
• Concertina razor wire - It is type of razor wire that is formed in large coils which can be expanded like
„concertina”. Razor wires are connected with special metal clips (from 3 to 7 clips, depending on razor wire
diameter) . This razor wire creates high stiffness and durability space structure, which makes it impossible to
pass. We are able to produce „concertina” wire in following diameteres: from 300 mm to 1000mm.
• Straight razor wire - Razor wire is modern version of barbed wire. It is sharper and harder to pass. Razor
wire has a central strand of high tensile strength wire, and a steel tape punch into a shape with barbs.
• Razor wite mesh - It is a high quality, modern, very effective hot dip galvanized fencing used to secure
areas. Made of straight blade netting welded together, packaging into a roll form for a transport. It is
impossible to climb or cut off with the standard tools. Made with ULTRA MEDIUM blade profile (35mm) .
Made of highest quality galvanized steel.
• Flatwrap razor wire - It is razor wire made from wire coils clapped into a flat panel formation. Normally
used on the top of fences. It is use to make strengthen fencing construction. The following nominal diameters
of FLATWRAP are available: 450mm, 500 mm, 700mm.

Additional information:
  • Title: RAZOR WIRE
  • Quantity: 100
  • Availability: stock available
Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Aleksandra Katarzyna Zabrowarn
Email: biurolenok. com. pl
Phone number: +48604491883
Mobile phone number:

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