Vegetable line Machines Pióro. peeler, scrubber, brushing machine, receiving basket, rubbing, duct scale, raszing machine, thickness sorterAd Nr. 72780 (Buy / Sell), Germany

Category: Buy, sell food, agricultural equipment in Germany
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: 666978500 / Poland
All ads by the author
Publication: 21.07.2023
Status: 24.03.2025
Sample lineSample line 2
Sample line

(Sample line)

Ad text in English:

Good morning
we are a company from Polish dealing with the production of vegetable and agricultural machines MACHINES PIÓRO
Vegetable line Machines Pen
peeler, scrubber, brushing machine, receiving basket, rubbing, duct scale, raszing machine, thickness sorter

Additional information:
  • Title: Sample line linia do warzyw przetwórstwo maszyny warzywnicze
  • Price: 100'000,00 PLN
  • Discounts: tak
  • Condition: new
  • Availability: custom order
Ad text in other languages:

Price lists for the advertisement:
  • Cennik view ...

Name, Company:
Email: l.nowakmachinespioro. com
Phone number: 666978500
Mobile phone number: 666978500
Website: view
Address: Kraków
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Photos for the ad:

Sample line 2

(Sample line 2)

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