TECHNO STALKER Ltd works out in field of accessory equipment for welding of metal constructions. Ad Nr. 67334 (Buy / Sell), Germany

Category: Buy, sell equipment for production, lines in Germany
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Region: Germany
Author: Gordeeva Olga / Russia
All ads by the author
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 01.03.2025
Ad text in English:

TECHNO STALKER Ltd works out in field of accessory equipment for welding of metal constructions.
We manufacture welding tables and devices for it. This equipment helps to minimize production time and man powers, increase the quality of welding. It can be used in manufacturing of metal constructions, metal carcase works, woodworking, cabinet work, machinery etc.
It is possible to produce almost all three dimensional construction with our welding tables and attachment devices
Welding tables are equipped with cast iron or aluminum- cooper alloy beams.
We can produce and complete special equipment according to part drawings. More information e- mail:lady. volya@yandex. ru

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Technostalker
Email: lady.volyayandex. ru
Phone number: +7 499 704 41 95,. +7 496 51 14 05
Mobile phone number: +7 499 704 41 95
Fax: . +7 496 51 14 05
Address: Moscow region,Noginsk city,Koryakin lug,11
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