Annlines Do It With New Game International Сhampion, British Herding Breeds Club CH, biss-1 Ad Nr. 67644 (Buy / Sell), Germany

Category: Buy, sell puppies and dogs
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Region: Germany
Author: white motion / Ukraine
All ads by the author
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 07.03.2025
Ad text in English:

Annlines Do It With New Game
International Сhampion, British Herding Breeds Club CH, biss- 1 specialty show in Dnepropetrovsk, junior champion of Ukraine, Bulgaria and the Bulgarian club shepherd breeds, champion of Ukraine, champion of Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Georgia, Moldova, the Balkan countries, Black Sea Winner, Best of the Best in Breed, 6 cacib, r. Cacib, 8 bob, 5 jcac, 14 cac, 2 big- 1, qualification to crufts
Dorogoe Udovolstvie Dakrkside Martini
junior champion - Украины, Болгарии, Молдовы, Грузии, Балканских стран. Чемпион- Украины, Болгарии, Балкан и Монтенегро. Победитель клуба вкбпп. 2 сасib.
Es bietet eine herrliche tricolor Hunde für Shows, Sport, und gerade für Spaß d. r. 20. 07. 2015 . dokumenty FCI, vetdokumenty. Hilfe bei der Lieferung.

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: white motion
Email: adamant_Ui. ua
Phone number: +38097 881 6434
Mobile phone number: +38 097 8816434
Website: view
Address: Харьков
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