Beautiful white puppies of breed Alaskan Malamute FCI 243Ad Nr. 71097 (Buy / Sell), Germany

Category: Buy, sell puppies and dogs
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Region: Germany
Author: Olgabel / Poland
All ads by the author
Publication: 10.07.2022
Status: 07.03.2025
Ad text in English:

Small home Tęczowa street, Reda, Poland, FCI Nr. 1221/16, Polish Kennel Club (Związek) reg. Kynologiczny w Polsce nursery “KATZEBUE”, 7, No. 5105/K, third litter "C", puppies born on 04/20/2022, 4 females and 1 male. They are the owners of the white gene.
Puppy parents:
Dam: NORTS PEARL TIKA WITHER DROP (import from Ukraine, with pedigree
international standard) Champion of Poland
Sire: NORTS PEARL AIRON KING (import from Ukraine, with pedigree
international standard) .

All puppies have a documented origin, birth certificates, on the basis of which you can get a pedigree, and also the medical book with full documentation of vaccinations. When sending puppies abroad, all documents for them will be received of international standard.
All puppies will be available after July 20th.
At the present time three females will be available.

Additional information:
  • Title: Alaskan Malamute
  • Price: 800,00 EUR
  • Quantity: 4
  • Condition: new
  • Availability: stock available
Ad text in other languages:

Price lists for the advertisement:
  • Продам щенков Аляскинский маламут ( белый)) view ...

Name, Company: Olgabel
Email: olgabelmarimpex. com. pl
Phone number:
Mobile phone number: +48 512129705

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