Papillon boys and girls from Champions are offered for reservation.Ad Nr. 72634 (Buy / Sell), Berlin

Category: Buy, sell puppies and dogs
List of similar categories
Region: Berlin
Author: Tarezka / Germany
Publication: 05.06.2023
Status: 22.02.2025
Ad text in English:

Предлагаются к резервированию мальчики и девочки папийоны от Чемпионов. На момент переезда будут иметь весь пакет документов.
Родителям сделаны генетические тесты.

Papillon boys and girls from Champions are offered for reservation. At the time of the move, they will have the entire package of documents.
Parents have been genetically tested.

Additional information:
  • Title: Papillon
  • Price: 800,00 EUR
  • Quantity: 1
  • Condition: new
  • Availability: stock available
Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Tarezka
Email: Vito5555yandex. ru
Phone number: +375296233313
Mobile phone number: +375296233313
Website: view
Address: Berlin
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