I am looking for a job as a pianist in a restaurant or in a hotel.There is a digital piano.Ad Nr. 74921 (Work, employment in Germany ), Germany

Category: Working as an artist, writer, musician
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: - / Poland
All ads by the author
Publication: 30.11.2024
Status: 01.02.2025
Ad text in English:

Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Nikolai Didenko and I am a trained pianist. I have been playing in restaurants in Poznań since 2021. If you need musical accompaniment for the evening, I am at your disposal.
I will play the piano - at church weddings, funerals, outdoor weddings and wherever you wish. In addition to assignments, he also undertakes piano lessons.
It is possible to issue an invoice
Greetings, Mikołaj
IG: holynicholass

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Mikołaj Didenko
Email: didenko6662gmail. com
Phone number:
Mobile phone number:

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