Looking for courier-driver for electric van. Drivers license category B, Aufenthaltstietel+ GermanAd Nr. 71370 (Work, employment in Germany ), Bavaria

Category: Working as a delivery courier, courier driver
List of similar categories
Region: Bavaria
Author: Alex / Germany
Publication: 05.08.2022
Status: 01.10.2024
Ad text in English:

Our company is last mile delivery service for sustainable delivery on electric vans. We currently operate in Munich Area, but will expand soon across Germany. Looking for full time drivers. Everything is with accordnace to labour laws

Additional information:
  • Job title: Driver/ Courier
  • Place of work: Munich area
  • Offer from: direct employer
  • Are the intermediary services paid for by the applicant?: no
  • Payment information: 2200
  • Working hours: 6.7/shift
  • Citizenship: German Permamnt Residence
  • Requirement to candidates: Drivers License B, German, English
Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Glocally Technologies GmbH
Email: alexeyglocally. de
Phone number:
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