There is experience of the work by programmer PHP, write the sites write the optimized texts, at Ad Nr. 66236 (Work, employment in Germany ), Germany

Category: Working as a programmer, designer, media
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: Aleksander Repus / Ukraine
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 07.03.2025
Ad text in English:

There is experience of the work by programmer PHP, write the sites write the optimized texts, at desire and presence of the material can write and biography in size of the book. Advancement and internet advertisment as accompanying in the same way sign. Do all package known programme complex for moving site, all there is in presence, all products license. If you need one person, чтоб answered and for раскрутку and for advancement and for renovation of information on your portal, that my vacancy this that it is necessary. If I have interested you its advertising presentation, that writes me on mail, дам more exact summary and references to projects which marketed me from zero mark.

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Name, Company: Aleksandr
Email: repus-alexmail. ru
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