Looking for a good job! ISAYEVA ELENA Having finished Specialized Musical School in Voronezh Ad Nr. 66103 (Work, employment in Germany ), Germany

Category: Work abroad in Europe and the European Union countries
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Region: Germany
Author: Elena Isaewa / Russia
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 25.03.2025
Ad text in English:

Looking for a good job!

Having finished Specialized Musical School in Voronezh city (Russia) in 1998 (flute class of prof. Pivovarov) , Elena continued her musical education at the State College of Wind Instruments (Moscow, Russia at the class of prof. Korneyev) and Prokofiev musical College in Moscow, specializing in 2 areas - the flute and opera vocal. In 2001 graduated with the honors diploma Elena entered State Musical Pedagogical Institute which she finished in 2006. In 2009 Elena graduated the State Classical Academy of Maimonid with a diploma in solo singing with the honors diploma and in 2012 finished postgraduate courses on musicology.

Parallel to her studies Elena took part in many concert and pedagogical projects, participated in the local and international competitions. Lately she has been awarded the Diploma on Rakhmaninov Contest (St. Petersburg, Russia) as the best performer of a romance by Glinka.

Elena gives regular flute classes at musical school, flute and vocal master- classes for performers and teachers. Worked on the project of opera studio where took part in the training singers for the opera Cinderella by Massne. Elena has developed her own program on opera singing and flute technique which she uses when studying with students and sharing with interested amateurs.

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Elena Isaewa
Email: Isafluyandex. ru
Phone number: +7 925 0778709
Mobile phone number: 79250778709
Website: view
Address: Россия Москва 105118 3-я ул. Соколиной горы д.1 кв. 81
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