Promotion of your business in Ukraine Information consulting services We offer services of Ad Nr. 67427 (Work, employment in Germany ), Germany

Category: Working on the Internet without investing money
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Region: Germany
Author: Vyacheslav Svyatenko / Ukraine
All ads by the author
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 04.03.2025
Ad text in English:

Promotion of your business in Ukraine
Information consulting services
We offer services of informational consulting:
 information gathering, processing and analysis for Your business and advertising campaign;
 informational searching work by means of Internet technologies;
 gathering and analysis of the information about competitors, potential investors and possible partners;
 Your interests representation in Ukraine and promotion of Your business development.
Active search of marriage partner in Ukraine:
 work with introductions sites and collaboration with agencies;
 creation of personal site in Russian, Ukrainian, English and French languages;
 distribution of Your information in the Internet and data gathering according to your criteria;
 application of Internet- marketing modern means for Your effective presentation as marriage partner;
 services providing for your marriage partner quick adaptation to life conditions in the countries of Western Europe in case of an exit for permanent residence in your country.

e- mail: 2012svn@gmail. com , Skype: incom14, OOVOO: nikcom2

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Vyacheslav Svyatenko
Email: 2012svngmail. com
Phone number: +38(0512) 71-78-61
Mobile phone number: +38(095)3258281,+38 (063)60025
Address: city of Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
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