Looking for Grzegorz StawinogaAd Nr. 73086 (Search: lost and found), Germany

Category: Find missing people
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Region: Germany
Author: Zuzanna Galert / Poland
All ads by the author
Publication: 20.10.2023
Status: 08.10.2024
Ad text in English:

I'm looking for my father, who is lost in Germany and is not responding. He lived in the city at Danube river.

Name: Grzegorz
Surname: Stawinoga
Date of birth: 4th April 1969 (not sure about the year)
Nationality: Polish
Gender: male
Polish number: 797315666 (not responding)
Latest place he was seen: some city at Danube river, most probably Bayern region.
Deion: 165 cm height, dark, short hair with grey accents, brown eyes, massive posture, rather rectangular arms, moustache

He didn't have any stable job, not was responsible either, he was working as a physical worker at some farm that makes biogas. He wasn't picking up the calls so I got really worried. He lost his drivers license few years ago.

Additional information:
  • First and last name: Grzegorz Stawinoga, father
  • Who's looking: Zuzanna Galert, daughter
  • Search purpose: establishing contact
  • Touch lost with : 2 months
  • Circumstances: He went to live and work to Germany, he is a phisical worker, didn't have any stable job, he lost his drivers licence in Poland 10 years ago. The last time he called was 8th of August. AFter that I tried to reach to him but no response: automatic message that says the user is unavailable or has switched off the phone. He was depressed after a divorce with my mother.
  • Location: land Bayern, rzeka Dunaj
  • Details: n/a
Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Zuzanna Galert
Email: zuzanna.galertgmail. com
Phone number:
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