Accomodation in Kiev for short and long period. RENT BUY SELL is accomodation without any Ad Nr. 65945 (Real estate in Germany), Germany

Category: Rent, lease real estate abroad
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Region: Germany
Author: Tatjana RENT BUY SELL / Ukraine
All ads by the author
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 25.03.2025
Ad text in English:

Accomodation in Kiev for short and long period.
RENT BUY SELL is accomodation without any commission.
Order apartments on daily basis.
rooms@ukr. net
тел. +380962804600
Kiev, Ukraine

Our company RentBuySell gladly offer its apartments for long- term rent (if its nessesary with registration for foreigners) and rent on daily basic.
For your comfort modern designed fully equiped comfortable appartments that satisfy all your needs and wishes. High level services provides confidentiality and homeliness.

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: RENT BUY SELL
Email: roomsukr. net
Phone number: +380962804600
Mobile phone number: +380962804600
Website: view
Address: Киев Украина
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