THE LAWYER: have a big experience of the work with foreign companies and representation of the Ad Nr. 65909 (Services/ Amenities), Germany

Category: Legal services abroad
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: - / Uzbekistan
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 03.03.2025
Ad text in English:

THE LAWYER: have a big experience of the work with foreign companies and representation of the foreign companies in Tashkent (USA, Great Britain, Netherlands, China, Turkey, Kazakhstan) .

Consultations and preparation constituent document for state registration foreign enterprises in form OOO (LTD) , registration in local organ and Ministry to justices Uzbekistan Consultations and preparation document for state accreditation representation foreign companies in Ministry of the foreign economic relations, investment and trading the Consultation on other total questions: in Uzbekistan
- a system and particularities of the licensing separate type business
- certificate of export and import goods
- a tax system and penalty sanctions, privileges for foreign companies
- a customs formalities export- import, rates on excise, customs duty and VAT, privileges for foreign companies
- a particularities of the undertaking trade operation with object of premises and car
- a questions of the registration of the foreign people on work in Uzbekistan and other questions
- a particularities to activity arbitration (economic) of the court
Consultancy- :
- a questions possible to send on E- mail in Russian and English
- an answers possible to get in Russian and English
- an amount of the payment of the services contractual
Information for contacts: E- mail: misha8393@yandex. ru
tel: 975 27 60 and 598 24 63

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: mihail
Email: misha8393yndex. ru
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