The Russian company is urgently required partner for selling in country of the West Europe, Asia Ad Nr. 65251 (Services/ Amenities), Germany

Category: Mediation, representation in Germany
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Region: Germany
Author: W.Sachoschan
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 24.03.2025
Ad text in English:

The Russian company is urgently required partner for selling in country of the West Europe, Asia and others country, coal Kuzneckogo pool, the most warm and qualitative, quite not road - nearly gratis, coal. This can be and physical person, in duties of the partner will enter поис persisting buyer for selling him big volume of coal stone- 200 000 м/т at month - 2 400 000 м/т per annum, preparing the terms of the buying: volume, term of delivery, term of the payment, periods and hereinafter conclusions of the long- term contract of the supply with buyer, with partner at conclusion with his(its) help this long- term contract will is comprised agent agreement by cost $1dolars usa for 1 м/т period - for time of the action of this contract of the supply. The Agent agreement on outflow 3- h months can be revised aside increase the remuneration, elementary knowledges of the computer take from partner, e- mail, tel. faks and ETC.
Our tel. :+7- 913- 677- 90- 08, +7- 960- 997- 11- 55, Skype:valeriyomich, icq:296622438.
Hope on long- term cooperation.
Respectfully yours,
Valeriy Vasilievich, OOO "Merkury Omsk" director.

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: ООО
Email: skr658yandex. ru
Phone number: +79136779008
Mobile phone number: +79609971155
Address: г.Омск
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