Shipstage GmbH - a complete delivery solution for online storesAd Nr. 72827 (Services/ Amenities), Germany

Category: Warehouse storage, shipment, freight forwarders
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: - / Germany
Publication: 28.07.2023
Status: 24.03.2025
Ad text in English:

SHIPSTAGE is an innovative online platform for managing and optimizing freight delivery processes. With SHIPSTAGE, companies can significantly improve logistics efficiency, minimize time and financial costs for delivery, and enhance customer satisfaction.

The key features of SHIPSTAGE include automated route planning, freight transportation optimization, real- time cargo tracking, and inventory management. The platform offers users a user- friendly interface and intuitive tools, which reduce staff training time.

SHIPSTAGE integrates with various warehouse management systems and transportation companies, ensuring a unified and reliable data flow. This allows companies to receive more accurate delivery time forecasts and better plan their resources.

Thanks to SHIPSTAGE, companies can optimize their logistics processes, reduce costs, shorten delivery times, and improve service quality. It's an intelligent solution that helps organizations efficiently manage their freight transportation and thrive in a competitive environment.

Additional information:
  • Business name: Shipstage GmbH
  • Types of services provided: versandportal, shipping provider, logistik, logistics, versandplattform
  • Location of the company: Hamburg, Germany
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