Tutors and music teachers in Germany and abroad (Ads in the section "Services/ Amenities")

The category contains 129 advertisements as of 2025. Ads in the category in other languages: German (  24  ), Polish (  1  ), Russian (  102  ).

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Services offered

Brief information

Online piano and synthesizer lessons
Price: 50
Ad of 07.12.2023 | Germany

Contact: Pola / Ukraine
Tel. +380954913254

I propose piano playing lessons for adults and children of different age, one lesson 60euro (1, 5 hours prolong) , speak only english or russian, write me viber +380934291742 more ...
Price: 60
Ad of 17.03.2022 | Germany

Contact: Juliya / Germany
Tel. +380934291742
Fax 53119
olenarolanovagmail. com

Services required

Brief information

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(Total in English: 2)

Information for the "Music tutors" category in the online newspaper:

Services/ Amenities

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