Online piano and synthesizer lessonsAd Nr. 73190 (Services/ Amenities), Germany

Category: Music teachers
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: - / Ukraine
All ads by the author
Publication: 07.12.2023
Status: 24.03.2025
Ad text in English:

I will teach children and adults to play the piano and synthesizer. I speak 4 languages ​​- Russian, Ukrainian, English, Polski. I have many years of experience working in a music school as a piano teacher and accompanist. Write to Telegram at +38- 095- 491- 32- 54.
You can find a lot of my musical video on my Youtube chamnel - https://m. youtube. com/channel/UCCyfHBL3R2oi9obIfNvmC6Q

Additional information:
  • Business name: From Piano with Love
  • Prices: 50,00 EUR
  • Types of services provided: Online piano and synthesizer lessons
  • Location of the company: Ukraine
Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Pola
Phone number: +380954913254
Mobile phone number: +380954913254

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