CLIPSO – a fast, high-quality and inexpensive ceiling mounting method without the use of gas Ad Nr. 66354 (Services/ Amenities), Germany

Category: Interior decoration of apartments and houses
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: - / Latvia
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 31.03.2025
Ad text in English:

CLIPSO – a fast, high- quality and inexpensive ceiling mounting method without the use of gas heaters (“heat guns”) . Ceiling system consists of two components: a unique large- format fire retardant fabric, impregnated with polyurethane, and a special profile, mounted to the ceiling or walls of the room. Stretch ceilings allow you easily and quickly to install any lighting tools, security and fire alarm systems, ventilation and heating systems. If necessary, the ceilings are easily demounted, and in the process of remounting the ceiling construction fully recovers its original appearance and properties. Their composition fully fits the fire safety and sanitary- hygienic safety requirements. Having the high humidity resistance, the ceilings will perfectly protect you in case of flooding of the flat by the careless neighbours or because of the roofs with the holes.

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Sergej, MARRUS SIA
Email: infoxclusive. lv
Phone number: +37128846496
Mobile phone number: +37128846496
Website: view
Address: Riga
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