I will present your interests in Belarus: - cooperation, creation of business, - search of Ad Nr. 66683 (Services/ Amenities), Germany

Category: Representation and mediation abroad
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: dmitrij belarus / Belarus
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 25.03.2025
Ad text in English:

I will present your interests in Belarus:
- cooperation, creation of business,
- search of business partners/suppliers, buyers, etc. ,
- marketing search,
- database creation,
- production advances, wholesale warehouse of sales,
- purchase of goods etc. ,
- the help upon real estate purchase.

Creation of business:
- Production of construction materials, dry construction mixes, и. т. д.
- Production wood pellets,
- Production from a tree,
- Briquette from peat,
- Fertilizer for plants,
- Logistic center,
- Cargo transportation,
- Cars and special equipment in rent,
- Car service,
- Organization of the agricultural enterprise, cultivation storage,
- Organization and construction of roadside cafe, hotel, parking,
- Real estate purchase in Belarus and its subsequent delivery in rent.
- To make under your orders from metal and glass production.

I ask to send your offers to email bakun- dy@rambler. ru

Yours faithfully
Bakun Dmitry
Republic of Belarus
+ 375 29 666 45 22
bakun- dy@rambler. ru
Skype dimaamazon

• I look for the investor for construction in Belarus in the ecological pure region of the Minsk region of the Borisovsky area of hotel complex.

• I look for the European wholesale company on briquette purchase from peat, wood pellets from Belarus. I will sign contracts and I will place your orders at the enterprises of the manufacturer. Control of shipments. Transport search.

• I will organize the enterprise for production of a briquette from peat and wood pellets.

• I look for the investor for construction in the territory of Republic of Belarus of the logistic center.

• Warehouse for storage of agricultural production (vegetables, fruit) .

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Belarus
Email: bakun-dyrambler. ru
Phone number: +375295778686
Mobile phone number: +375295778686
Address: Беларусь
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