A big disaster happened in my life. My baby of 1 year 5 months became profoundly deaf- The only Ad Nr. 66148 (Services/ Amenities), Germany

Category: Sponsorship, patronage, charity
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: - / Spain
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 25.03.2025
Ad text in English:

A big disaster happened in my life. My baby of 1 year 5 months became profoundly deaf- The only thing which can help him hear and speak is coclear implant. I am from Belarus, now live in Spain. I raise my baby on my own. I am afraid of making operation in Spain, as they were mistaken during a lot of time telling that my baby had only otitis. I am desperate and am looking for the help for the operation in Germany

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Oksana
Email: kse-niahotmail. com
Phone number: 34 607712325
Mobile phone number: 34 607712325

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