The logistics company LLC “RusAutoLine” delivers all types of goods by the automobile transport Ad Nr. 66575 (Services/ Amenities), Germany

Category: Cargo delivery from China, the USA, Europe
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: Inga Scharipowa / Russia
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 01.02.2025
Ad text in English:

The logistics company LLC “RusAutoLine” delivers all types of goods by the automobile transport from Europe to Russia and from Russia to Europe and other foreign countries in all directions. All the goods are insured against all risks with the certificate on freight insurance. The company owns a big park of motor transport – refrigerators (a temperature mode from +25 to- 25) , awnings, curtains, thermoses, isotherms, eurotrucks with a loading capacity up to 40 tons, trawls with a loading capacity up to 60 tons.
The USA- Russia, the Great Britain- Russia, Austria- Russia, Bulgaria- Russia, Germany- Russia, Spain- Russia, Slovenia- Russia, Croatia- Russia, Estonia- Russia, Albania- Russia, Greece- Russia, Italy- Russia, Luxembourg- Russia, the Netherlands- Russia, Turkey- Russia, Montenegro- Russia, Andorra- Russia, Denmark- Russia, Norway- Russia, Ukraine- Russia, Czech Republic- Russia, Belarus- Russia, Latvia- Russia, Poland- Russia, Serbia- Russia, Finland- Russia, Sweden- Russia, Switzerland- Russia, Belgium- Russia, Hungary- Russia, Lithuania- Russia, Moldova- Russia, Portugal- Russia, France- Russia.
Any freight – to any place!
Only with us – a wide choice of trucks, reliability and safety!
You can send your order to the e- mail: anisa82@bk. ru and our managers will count the cost of delivery.

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: ООО
Email: anisa82bk. ru
Phone number: +73512183788
Mobile phone number: +79080430294
Address: г. Челябинск, ул. Барбюса, 2-311
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