Welcome to Ukraine! Hospitality in Ukraine! Ukraine - is a picturesque country in the South Ad Nr. 65494 (Recreation and travel ), Germany

Category: Excursions, tours in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: Universe
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 02.10.2024
Ad text in English:

Welcome to Ukraine!
Hospitality in Ukraine!

Ukraine - is a picturesque country in the South Eastern Europe, one of the largest in the territory, with a very developed culture, with rich traditions and nature. Every year millions of tourists visit Ukraine from around the world.
For foreign guests of our tourist company \"Universe Ltd\" offers a variety of cultural events in Kiev and other Ukrainian regions.
We offer:
o Acceptance of tourist groups, support of conferences, congress, delegations, exhibitions
o Supporting of foreign delegations by professional tour guides, translators
o Accommodation in hotels of Kiev, Kharkov, Donetsk, Odessa and other cities of Ukraine
o Organization of excursions
o Organization of tours in Ukraine
o Rest in the Carpathians and Crimea
o Week- end tours
o Organization of transfer
o Rent a comfortable bus of company \"Universe\"

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: universe LTD
Email: ukraineuniverse. kiev. ua
Phone number: 044 501032028
Mobile phone number:
Fax: 044 235 48 98
Website: view

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