Create your favourable conditions for staying in unfamiliar country! What is going to happen if Ad Nr. 66435 (Recreation and travel ), Germany

Category: Excursions, tours in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: Svety / Belarus
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 04.03.2025
Ad text in English:

Create your favourable conditions for staying in unfamiliar country!
What is going to happen if you come to unfamiliar country and have nobody to be with you and to show you all around? Right! You may get lost or waste time trying to find necessary place, or just miss essential and important events.
To avoid this, you may ask someone to help you or find all information through the Internet, or rely on travel companies providing a guide or interpreter.
Or! You may contact me and let me help you with your comfortable arriving and staying in Belarus.
I’ll meet you in the airport, drive you to the hotel, orient you or get you to the necessary place, help you with shopping and buying presents.
Make it possible for you to enjoy your business or pleasure trip in Belarus.
You can find my phone or email here: http://www. interpretation. by/index. php/en/contacts- en

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Tschastnyj perewodtschik
Email: 7609879gmail. com
Phone number: +375447609879
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