My name is Daniel, and I am private guide and driver in Kyrgyzstan. If you lack a fairy tale in Ad Nr. 68717 (Recreation and travel ), Germany

Category: Excursions, tours in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: 111Danil / Kyrgyz Republic
All ads by the author
Publication: 07.06.2021
Status: 07.03.2025
Ad text in English:

My name is Daniel, and I am private guide and driver in Kyrgyzstan. If you lack a fairy tale in life, come to Kyrgyzstan! Kyrgyzstan is a country for non- standard people. This is a country for those who need constantly move forward, learn something new, fresh and always choose the best - in beauty, in emotions, in life. Kyrgyzstan is a country where it is considered that a guest is a gift from God. And it means that in Kyrgyzstan you will not feel like tourists, but will become my welcome guests and friends. Kyrgyzstan is a country of contrasts, in which there are mountains, lakes, beaches and beautiful untouched nature. Come and see for yourself. I offer the services of a guide, driver with a car Mitsubishi Pajero. I can help in organizing of tours. Prices and other details you can get calling to my phone or by sending an e- mail or by WhatsApp.
Tel: +996 550 50 59 77, WhatsApp: +996 550 50 59 77, senior- danil. romanow@yandex. ru

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Danil
Email: senior-danil.romanowyandex. ru
Phone number: +996 550 50 59 77
Mobile phone number: +996 550 50 59 77
Address: Кыргызстан, Бишкек, Киргизия
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