Looking for a partner for joint business, business partnership offers in Germany (Ads in the section "Business, entrepreneurship in Germany")

The category contains 271 advertisements as of 2024. Ads in the category in other languages: German (  46  ), Russian (  222  ).

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Business, offered

Brief information

Hotel 100% booked all year around looks for new
partner. 28% yearly profit.
Price: 900.000 €
Ad of 24.09.2023 | Germany | Author: Fernando Gonzalez

Contact: Fernando Gonzalez / Romania
Tel. 0040748612490
fernando_espineirayahoo. com

Business, required

Brief information

A Ukrainian manufacturer is looking for a partner in Europe. more ...
Ad of 17.05.2022 | Hamburg

Contact: ABRA / Ukraine
Tel. +380674430939
zurababragmail. com

Business proposal. Highly profitable business
- manufacturing of products made of acrylic
Ad of 07.06.2021 | Germany | Author: adminvadik

Contact: Stonefox / Ukraine
Tel. +380953712127
vadiklis78mail. ru

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Information for the "Business partnership" category in the online newspaper:

Business, entrepreneurship in Germany

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