Professional help for depression, successful practice with autism, alcohol and drug addiction. I help restore strength after a divorce, work with phobias and fears. I am engaged in motivational psychology to open new horizons in business and at work.Ad Nr. 74595 (Health), Germany

Category: Treatment of depression, stress, and panic disorders
List of similar categories
Region: Germany
Author: Фаина / Germany
All ads by the author
Publication: 30.05.2024
Status: 03.12.2024
Ad text in English:

My healing practice helps eliminate such difficult situations as:
1. Problems in personal life;
2. Difficulty in getting pregnant;
3. Experiencing traumatic conditions;
4. Limiting beliefs;
5. Financial difficulties;
6. Finding your purpose and meaning in life;
7. Disclosure of closed creative abilities;
8. Panic attacks;
9. Phobias and fears;
10. Overweight;
11. Lack of self- confidence;
12. Neuroses and depression;

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: faina
Email: 099moongmail. com
Phone number: +4917660800813 whatsapp
Mobile phone number: +4917660800813 whatsapp
Address: lafaet 23
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