Repair, maintanance, setting computers, printers, routersAd Nr. 71871 (Services/ Amenities), Nördlingen

Category: Electronics repair
List of similar categories
Region: Nördlingen
Author: - / Germany
All ads by the author
Publication: 02.12.2022
Status: 24.03.2025
Ad text in English:

Computer master service
Viber/Telegram/WhatsApp: +380- 50- 236- 0587
WhatsApp: +4915151506018

Perform follow types of work:
- Windows and Linux OS installing and setting
- Computer cleaning from viruses useless files
- Blue screen elimination
- Minor repair of personal computers and laptops hardware, replacement of components
- Setting, software installing, cleaning of phones and tablets from useless files
- Connecting and setting routers and printers
- Pulling and crimping of network cables
- Teach using computer, tablet, phone and software
- Teach using printer and router

Additional information:
  • Business name: Vitalii
  • Prices: 20,00
  • Types of services provided: Repair/setting of computers
  • Location of the company: Nordlingen
Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Vitalii
Email: vitaliy.zhd777gmail. com
Phone number: +4915151506018
Mobile phone number: +4915151506018

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