Tutor in Russian as a foreign language.Ad Nr. 70466 (Services/ Amenities), Germany

Category: The Russian language private tuition
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Region: Germany
Author: - / Germany
All ads by the author
Publication: 02.03.2022
Status: 03.03.2025
Ad text in English:

My name is Anna, I am a native speaker of Russian. I have a bachelor's degree with the qualification of an interpreter- referent. I worked as an English tutor (C1 level) and currently as a tutor in Russian as a foreign language.
It is essential for me to use an individual approach in teaching. I do my best to help my students achieve their learning goals. My classes are held in English (German) or Russian. During training, I usually use interactive materials that include audio and video files.
Available any day of the week. Classes are held remotely via Skype or Zoom. I provide study materials. The price of the lesson is 10 euro/60 min.
Contact phone +4515753709927 (WhatsApp) .

Ad text in other languages:
Name, Company: Anna Ljubatschka
Email: anna.lbchkgmail. com
Phone number: +4515753709927
Mobile phone number:
Address: Straubing, Bayern
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