Buy, sell puppies, dogs in Germany (Ads in the section "Buy / Sell")

The category contains 433 advertisements as of 2025. Ads in the category in other languages: German (  140  ), Polish (  2  ), Russian (  273  ).

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Brief information

beautiful litter of astonishing SHIBA INU Puppies more ...
Ad of 24.01.2025 | Germany

Contact: williamstati
williamstati285gmail. com

English Bulldog available now For Good homes. Puppies still looking for new homes. contact us if interested now by email, more ...
Ad of 14.09.2024 | Germany

English bulldogContact: dutchesvickisha / Germany
dutchesvickishagmail. com

Doberman girl with FCI pedigree. Very smart and
affectionate. Professional breeding. For true connoisseurs of the breed.
Price: 1200
Ad of 07.05.2024 | Germany

Contact: valentina / Germany
Tel. +46 76-074 03 73

King Charles spaniel more ...
Price: 1300
Ad of 07.05.2024 | Germany

Contact: valentina / Germany
Tel. +49 176 84242859

We give away Pitbull puppies (Free - With documents) 1 boy. 2 girls Delivery= Pickup more ...
Ad of 01.10.2023 | Germany | Author: Voksart

Contact: Jevgeni / Estonia
Tel. +37255622849
voksartgdgmail. com

Baby American Bully, pocket type, 6 weeks. Peeps out parents. more ...
Price: 1500 $
Ad of 28.08.2023 | Germany

Contact: Volcovich Galina / Ukraine
Tel. +380957953922
galinkagrydnenkoukr. net

Small Italian greyhound
Ad of 07.08.2023 | Germany

Contact: Natallia / Belarus
Tel. +375296320026
nfamina88gmail. com

Selling purebred chihuahua, 6 months old more ...
Ad of 07.07.2023 | Hesse | Author: Veronika

Contact: Veronika / Germany
Tel. +4917684168926
kkim82724gmail. com

Jack Russell Terrier puppies, boys and girls. Date of birth 05/17/23. Puppies grow up in a country house, in a clean place, super premium feed, socialization. Waiting for loving hands. The parents of the puppies are young, beautiful, titled more ...
Ad of 11.06.2023 | Germany | Author: Ludmila

Contact: Ludmila / Belarus
Tel. +365296880434

Papillon boys and girls from Champions are
offered for reservation.
Price: 800
Ad of 05.06.2023 | Berlin | Author: Tarezka

Contact: Tarezka / Germany
Tel. +375296233313
Vito5555yandex. ru

Gender: femaleAge: 3 monthsDate of Birth Oct 03,
Price: 1400
Ad of 03.01.2023 | Germany

Contact: Alll / Belarus
Tel. +375295461601
mironnikita2023gmail. com

Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies FCI
Ad of 20.10.2022 | Germany | Author: Dawid

Contact: NehaKhameniNghai FCI / Poland
Tel. +48602243635
d_kiereso2. pl

Beautiful white puppies of breed Alaskan Malamute
FCI 243
Price: 800
Ad of 10.07.2022 | Germany | Author: Olgabel

Contact: Olgabel / Poland
olgabelmarimpex. com. pl

American Akita puppy for sale.
Ad of 20.06.2022 | Germany | Author: Кристина

Contact: Kristina / Lithuania
Tel. +3706752318
semetova2000bk. ru

Females Pomeranian Spitz Toy. more ...
Price: 800
Ad of 05.06.2022 | Germany

Contact: Viktorya / Austria
Tel. +380679004102

Annlines Do It With New Game International
Сhampion, British Herding Breeds Club CH, biss- 1
Ad of 07.06.2021 | Germany | Author: white motion

Contact: white motion / Ukraine
Tel. +38097 881 6434
adamant_Ui. ua

Mini dog Russian toy. more ...
Ad of 07.06.2021 | Germany | Author: Alla1

Contact: Pitomnik "Krocha-dog" / Russia
Tel. +7985 4290520, 495 3900926
alo4kasorokayandex. ru

dog bigl. Prodam purebred puppy beagle, from parents with pedigree. Sale will start from 04. 10. 14. Price 500 EUR. Deliver to Germany. t +371 29545747 more ...
Ad of 07.06.2021 | Germany | Author: margarita sostaka

Contact: - / Latvia
Tel. +37129545747
margo123456inbox. lv


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