Questions from the online newspaper website users

Why didn't I get the registration email?

This can be for various reasons: 1) not all emails reach their addressee or may take too long to reach their destination; 2) you may have installed a filter against unwanted ads and the received email was deleted or placed in another email folder; 3) when registering, the email address was specified incorrectly. In any case, you can do the following: Go to the login page by selecting the "MY ads" item in the main menu at the top of the page, click on the "Remind password" link and enter the email address you registered with. You will be resent the registration email. You can also send an email to the site Support Service Team specifying your name with which you registered and your email address. You are sure to receive a registration letter at the earliest possible time. Contact us

Why is my ad placed just in the category rather than on a dedicated page?

The Terms of placing ads (clause 5.6.) state that the advertisements and other content entered by the user shall be of high quality regarding the search engine optimization: voluminous enough (at least 1000 characters), unique (not repeated on other sites), written or translated by a human. All advertisements, messages about sites, business cards, and other user information that is not high-quality regarding the search engine optimization, shall not have a dedicated page on the site and shall be published only in the category, without the possibility of making comments, displaying the map, price list, placing photos and other data.

For an ad to be placed on a dedicated page, it shall contain information that is detailed enough. The ad placement page contains a message stating which ads do not appear on a dedicated page. If you add enough text, the ad will automatically be placed on a dedicated page of the website.

Why are duplicate ads not accepted for publication?

Some site users, in order to advertise their goods or services, post the same or similar ads in different sections of the website, for different regions of Germany or post an individual ad for each product/service, in which the body copy remains the same. We shall not accept such kinds of ads to be published on our site. Nor shall we accept ads with texts that have already been posted on other Internet sites without substantial changes. This restriction is expressly stipulated in the Website Terms of Use, ads posting (see Sections 5. and 8.). Should the user try to publish duplicate ads again, they will be deleted by the Support Service.

Why have we imposed such a restriction? The fact is that by submitting such ads, users get quite the opposite result: search engines such as Google treat duplicate ads as spam and block them from the search engine; besides, they also degrade the ranking of a website posting duplicate information. Thus, for promotional purposes, it is better to make a couple of unique detailed ads rather than many repetitive ones.

In particular, the Google Webmaster Guidelines state: "Do not use the following methods: automatically generated content; Publishing pages with substandard or copied content; Copied content; Text that is translated using an automated tool and published without editing; Participation in affiliate programs unless you create content yourself; Uploading pages with irrelevant keywords. Should your website violate any of these guidelines, Google employees may penalize it."

What are the restrictions on the site for photos posted along with the ad?

On our site, along with the advertisement, information about an event, positions in price lists and in some other cases, the user can post photos in which the user has copyright. However, not all photographs (image files) can be uploaded to the site, because users’ browsers, as well as the Internet bandwidth, do not allow showing too large files or files in rare formats. Please note in each case what restrictions are placed on the photos you upload and check whether your photos comply with these restrictions on the website.

In most cases, photographs (image files) shall comply with the restrictions that follow:

Please note that when uploading to the site, the photo file will be automatically processed, to fit the size for displaying the image on the site; a small preview image will also be created. Thus, the uploaded file and the file posted on the site will differ from each other, so we recommend that you check the result of placing the photo.

If you have added a photo or replaced the already existing one with a new photo, you will have to wait, until the ad is checked by the site Support Service and the site cache is updated; it may take several hours. You can find out about the work of the Support Service in the Website Terms of Use and, in some cases, on the authorization page as well. If even after checking and updating the information on the site you still see your previous photo along with the advertisement, refresh the page in the browser: in some browsers, to refresh the page, you need to click on the page update symbol or the "F5" button on your computer keyboard.

What are the requirements for a job offer posting?

We readily post free job offers on our website! Worryingly, many scammers and swindlers use websites to place their advertisements, ostensibly about employment provision. In two informational articles on our website, we have described the ways to recognize fraud and protect ourselves against it, as well as how to protect ourselves from forced labor, slavery, and exploitation. Beyond that, we apply the job posting requirements listed below to prevent fraudulent ads from appearing on our site. We are well aware that the said requirements may restrict the free and easy posting of advertisements for businesses and individuals, yet, we believe these requirements to be necessary to protect our site population. Furthermore, when all ads on this website meet these requirements, the site users will treat them with confidence and the search for the right employee will be more successful. So, if you want to post a job offer, a vacancy advert, it shall meet the requirements that follow:

Should fraud be suspected, we shall be entitled to require the person who has posted the advertisement to verify (check) their mailing address, without giving a reason (address verification is a paid service that requires a relevant application to be submitted).

Ads that do not meet the requirements described here shall not be published on our website. If you refuse to verify the address, we completely delete all posted ads of the author along with their account.

For more information about fraud protection on our website, please see our Website Terms of Use.

How is address verification (check) done? Why is address verification required?

Since a lot of scammers and swindlers try to post their business or job offers, and things like that on the websites, and due to our intention to prevent it on our website, we have introduced the requirement of verifying the mailing address of the advertisement author, should we believe that their ad might be a fraudulent proposal. The address verification is a paid service (Prices). The advertisement author may refuse the address verification and not publish their ad. We do not dispute with advertisers, nor do we respond to the emails regarding the validity of the verification requirement on a case-by-case basis. Should you have received an email from us requesting your address verification, yet, you do not agree with this and would not want to confirm your address, you can simply delete your account from our website without posting ads.

Verifying your mailing address is done as follows:

Should the post office report the loss of the letter, we will send a second letter to the address you have specified.

My site has already been registered with the directory administrator. How shall I edit the information myself?

You have to register on our website and write a letter to the site Support Service, where you should specify your name, which you registered with, and the address of your site. Contact us
